You aren't supposed to blog about how you aren't blogging, but I'm going to anyway.
So, here it is.
This is partly inspired by a comment someone left on a 4 year old article. I enjoy writing and need to do more of it.
What's been up with me, you ask?
I joined Mary Kay full time. It's a great company to work for, and I get to work on awesome stuff. Currently spending about half my time doing configuration management (source control, releases) and the other half working with WPF.
I bought a house.
I joined Twitter and get a lot of use out of it.
I got an insulin pump (the OmniPod) and I'm loving the pumping lifestyle - much better than injections.
And I've got a lot of things to talk about.
Stay tuned!
Bring it. Maybe it will inspire me to start writing again too!
Me too!
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